Colors can contrast in hue, value and saturation, but there are many different types of contrasts that have been defined by color theorists throughout the years. Please visit our Color Contrast Analyzer page to see if the colors you want to use have enough contrast. Which color produces the greatest contrast?īlack and white create the highest contrast possible. What is another word for color? complexion Click on the “Advanced Effects” tab and then on “Chroma Studio.” You’ll be greeted by a layer-based editor and visual representation of all of your connected Razer peripherals. Navigate to the “Lighting” tab for your Razer peripheral. Select the Razer Chroma supported product, click on the “LIGHTING” tab.How to install or import a Razer Custom Chroma Profile How do I know if Dolby Atmos is working?.What PS4 games support 7.1 surround sound?.Does Razer Kraken have 7.1 surround sound?.Can you use the Razer Kraken Kitty on PS4?.What is the brightness or dullness of a color?.Which color produces the greatest contrast?.